Written, Long-Winded Instructions

for the Castle!


Gingerbread Castle
from Barbara Walker's "A Second Treasury of Stitch Patterns
converted from Handknitting to the ISM
50 stitches - 74 rows

In the book, the pattern starts out with several rows of garter stitch. Those set off the pattern very nicely but a border of seed stitches on the bottom and top as well as on the sides also looks nice and is a bit quicker to do. I think this pattern would be neat as part of a sampler afghan, a picture, as a pillow front or when knitted in a finer yarn on a child's sweater as she mentions in her book.

I really recommend putting a narrow strip of freezer tape, nearly folded in half lengthwise so that a portion of the sticky part still shows, across the needle bed and then marking the needles from 1 to 50. It makes finding the needles that need to have a stitch manipulated so much quicker!

I started out with a stitch chart for this pattern but after writing these pages and doing another sample, I think it is just as fast to work from the written instructions.

Start with your basic cast-on and knit however many rows you would like to have as a lower border. Also include in your number of cast-on stitches any side borders that you would like to add but do not include them in the stitches numbered 1-50, just add them to the outside of 1 and 50.

NOTE: Whenever there are two empty needles next to one another after stitches have been transferred, only the left one is brought forward with latch open before the row is knitted, the other one is left in nonworking position. Bring it back to working position with latch open after the row has been knitted. After knitting the following row, there will be a new stitch on the left needle, a float hanging down from that stitch going across the other one and also a loop on the other needle. Put latch tool under float, go up behind it and catch loop of yarn where it comes off needle. Release loop from needle and pull it under and around the float below it and hang loop back on needle. Knit stitch formed on this needle.

Oh, and one more thing, if you are only going to knit the 50 sts, it is
almost impossible to convert the end stitches to knit stitches, I just left
stitch 1 and 50 as they were, you might want to add a couple of extra stitches if you want to convert those also.

Row 1 COR
Knit across

Row 2 COL
First: Convert sts 1-7 and 44-50 to knit sts.
Move st on ndl 23 to ndl 22.
Move st on ndl 25 to ndl 24.
Move st on ndl 26 to ndl 27.
Move st on ndl 28 to ndl 29.
Bring empty ndls 23, 26, and 28 to working position and open latches.
Leave empty ndl 25 in nonworking position.
Knit across.

Row 3 COR
First: Bring empty ndl 25 to working position with latch open.
Convert sts 1-7 and 44-50 to knit sts.
Knit across.

Row 4 COL
There is now a float hanging from st on ndl 26 across ndl 25 as well as a loop on ndl 25. Put latch tool under float, go up behind it and catch loop hanging from needle. Release loop from needle by pushing needle all the way forward then all the way back and pull loop under and around the float below it and hang it back on ndl 25. St has been converted to k st.

Move st on ndl 28 to ndl 29, then move both sts back to ndl 28.
Move st on ndl 26 to ndl 27, then move both sts back to ndl 26.
Move st on ndl 25 to ndl 24, then move both sts back to ndl 25.
Move st on ndl 23 to ndl 22, then move both sts back to ndl 23.
Knit across.

Row 5 COR
Knit across.

Row 6 COL
For easier reading, I will eliminate some words from here on. Just move
sts as before. Wherever there is an empty ndl after a st has been
transferred, bring it back to working position with latch open, except
when there are two side by side in which case only the left one is
brought back to working position before knitting the row, the right one
after the row has been knitted.

28 to 29
26 to 27
25 to 24
23 to 22
Bring all empty ndls to working position with latches open but
leave 25 in nonworking position.
Knit across.

Row 7 COR
Bring ndl 25 to working position with latch open
Move: 14 to 13
36 to 35
Knit across.

Row 8 COL
Convert 25. See NOTE above if you forgot how although you probably
Move: 37 to 38
28 to 29, then both to 28
26 to 27, then both to 26
25 to 24, then both to 25
23 to 22, then both to 23
15 to 16
Knit across.

Row 9 COR
Move: 14 to 13
36 to 35
Knit across.

Row 10 COL
Move: 37 to 38
28 to 29
26 to 27
25 to 24
23 to 22
15 to 16
Bring all empty ndls to working position with latches open but
leave 25 in nonworking position.
Knit across.

Row 11 COR
Bring ndl 25 to working position with latch open
Move: 14 to 13
36 to 35
Knit across.

Row 12 COL
Convert 25. See NOTE above if you can't remember how.
Move: 37 to 38
28 to 29, then both to 28
26 to 27, then both to 26
25 to 24, then both to 25
23 to 22, then both to 23
15 to 16
Knit across.

Row 13 COR
Move: 14 to 13
36 to 35
Knit across.

Row 14 COL
Move: 37 to 38
27 to 26, then both to 28, then all three to 27
24 to 25, then both to 23, then all three to 24
15 to 16
Bring all empty ndls to working position with latches open but
leave 25 in nonworking position.
Knit across.

Row 15 COR
Bring ndl 25 to working position with latch open
Move: 14 to 13
36 to 35
Knit across.

Row 16 COL
Convert 25 as before
Move: 37 to 38
26 to 27, then both to 26
25 to 24, then both to 25
15 to 16
Knit across.

Row 17 COR
Move: 14 to 13
36 to 35
Knit across.

Row 18 COL
From here on, numerous stitches are being crossed over each other.
To do this, take both stitches off their ndls with two single prong
transfer tools and cross the one stitch over the other, then hang sts
back on ndls.

Move 37 to 38
Cross 25 over 26
Move 15 to 16
Knit across.

Row 19 COR
Knit across.

Row 20 COL
Move: 34 to 33, then both to 34
31 to 32, then both to 31
20 to 19, then both to 20
17 to 18, then both to 17
Bring all empty ndls to working position with latches open but
leave 32 & 18 in nonworking position.
Knit across.

Row 21 COR
Bring ndls 18 & 32 to working position with latches open
Knit across.

Row 22 COL
Convert 18 and 32. See NOTE above if not sure how
Knit across.

Row 23 COR
Knit across.

Row 24 COL
Convert sts 10-41
Ladder st columns 7 and 44 all the way down to Row 3 and latch them back
up. You should be able to see where the knit sts have been
converted there before - this is just a continuation of them.
Cross 44 over 43
Transfer sts 41, 39, 37, 35, 33, 31, 29, 27, 25, 23, 21, 19,
17, 15, 13, and 11 one ndl to the right. Bring empty ndls forward
with latches open. (this is one of those times when a multiple transfer tool comes in so handy! I found my set on the net a while ago and Lea-Ann carries them now too. They are great for doing eyelets all across the row.)
Cross 7 over 8
Knit across.

Row 25 COR
Knit across

Row 26 COL
Convert sts 10-41
Ladder down sts 6 and 45 all the way to Row 3 and latch them back up.
Cross 45 over 44
Cross 6 over 7
Knit across.

Row 27 COR
Knit across.

Row 28 COL
Ladder down sts 46 and 5 all the way to Row 3 and latch them back up.
Cross 46 over 45
Move: 41 to 40, then both back to 41
38 to 39, then both back to 38
34 to 33, then both back to 34
31 to 32, then both back to 31
27 to 26, then both back to 27
24 to 25, then both back to 24
20 to 19, then both back to 20
17 to 18, then both back to 17
13 to 12, then both back to 13
10 to 11, then both back to 10
Bring all empty ndls except 11, 18, 25, 32, and 39 to working position
with latches open.
Cross 5 over 6
Knit across.

Row 29 COR
Bring ndls 11, 18, 25, 32, and 39 to working position with latches open.
Knit across.

Row 30 COL
Convert sts 11, 18, 25, 32, and 39.
Ladder down sts 47 and 4 all the way to Row 3 and latch them back up.
Cross 47 over 46
Cross 4 over 5
Knit across.

Row 31 COR
Knit across

Row 32 COL
Convert sts 6-45
Transfer sts 45, 43, 41, 39, 37, 35, 33, 31, 29, 27, 25, 23,
21, 19, 17, 15, 13, 11, 9, and 7 one ndl to the right. Bring
empty ndls to working position and open latches.
Knit across.

Row 33 COR
Knit across

Row 34 COL
Convert sts 6-45
Ladder down st columns 48, 49, 50 and 1, 2, and 3 all the way down to Row
3 where they were previously converted. Latch them back up.
Knit across

Row 35 COR
Knit across

Row 36 COL
Cross 17 over 16
Cross 14 over 13
Knit across

Row 37 COR
For the next few rows, several sts per row are twisted. To do
this, take the stitch off the needle with transfer tool, twist it and
hang it back on the needle. Twist it so the part of the stitch that
normally hangs from the right of the needle is now on the left of the
needle. The double-eyed transfer tool works great for this if you have
one. But you can use your fingers by taking the stitch off the tool,
twisting it, then putting it back on the tool.

Twist sts 4 & 5, 8 & 9, 22 & 23, 42 & 43, and 46 & 47.
Move: 29 to 28
35 to 34
Knit across.

Row 38 COL
Convert sts 6 & 7, 10 & 11, 20 & 21, 24 & 25, 40 & 41, and 44 & 45
Twist sts 46 & 47, 42 & 43, 22 & 23, 8 & 9, and 4 & 5.
Move: 36 to 37
30 to 31
Cross 18 over 17
Cross 15 over 14
Knit across.

Row 39 COR
Twist sts 4 & 5, 8 & 9, 22 & 23, 42 & 43, and 46 & 47.
Move: 29 to 28
35 to 34
Knit across

Row 40 COL
Twist sts 46 & 47, 42 & 43, 22 & 23, 8 & 9, and 4 & 5.
Move: 36 to 37
30 to 31
Cross 19 over 18
Cross 16 over 15
Cross 13 over 12
Knit across

Row 41 COR
Twist sts 4 & 5, 8 & 9, 22 & 23, 42 & 43, and 46 & 47.
Move: 29 to 28
35 to 34
Knit across

Row 42 COL
Move: 36 to 37
30 to 31
Cross 17 over 16
Cross 14 over 13
Knit across

Row 43 COR
Convert sts 4 & 5, 8 & 9, 22 & 23, 42 & 43, and 46 and 47.
Move 29 to 28
Move 35 to 34
Knit across

Row 44 COL
Ladder down st columns 25 and 40 and latch them back up
Cross 40 over 39
Move 36 to 37
Move 30 to 31
Cross 25 over 26
Cross 18 over 17
Cross 15 over 14
Knit across

Row 45 COR
Move 29 to 28
Move 35 to 34
Knit across

Row 46 COL
Ladder down stitch columns 41 and 24 and latch them back up
Cross 41 over 40
Move 36 to 37
Move 30 to 31
Cross 24 over 25
Cross 19 over 18
Cross 16 over 15
Cross 13 over 12
Knit across

Row 47 COR
Move 29 to 28
Move 35 to 34
Knit across

Row 48 COL
Ladder down stitch columns 42 and 23 and latch them back up
Cross 42 over 41
Move: 36 to 37
30 to 31
Cross 23 over 24
Cross 17 over 16
Cross 14 over 13
Knit across

Row 49 COR
Knit across

Row 50 COL
Ladder st columns 43 and 22 down to the previously converted knit
sts and latch them back up from there
Cross 43 over 42
Cross 22 over 23
Cross 18 over 17
Cross 15 over 14
Knit across

Row 51 COR
Knit across

Row 52 COL
Convert sts 24-41
Move sts 41, 39, 37, 35, 33, 31, 29, 27, and 25 one ndl to the right.
Cross 19 over 18
Cross 16 over 15
Cross 13 over 12
Knit across

Row 53 COR
Knit across

Row 54 COL
Convert sts 24-41
Cross 17 over 16
Cross 14 over 13
Knit across

Row 55 COR
Knit across

Row 56 COL
Cross 18 over 17
Cross 15 over 14
Knit across - Carriage is now on right side
Ladder st columns 1-11, 20 & 21, 44-50 down to the last previously
converted knit st of each column and latch them back up. For some
columns you will need to go further down than for others.

Since the following rows have more knit than purl stitches I found out pretty quick that it is faster to take the work off and turn it around at this point. Just put the stitches on a piece of spare yarn, a knitting needle or a garter bar, turn it around and rehang it on needles. Move carriage back to the left side.

Row 57 COL
Knit across

Row 58 COR
Convert and twist (same direction as before) sts 8 & 9, 12 & 13, 16 &
17, 20 & 21, 24 & 25, and 28 & 29, then hang them back on the ndls.
Convert sts 32-39
Cross 33 over 32
Cross 36 over 35
Cross 39 over 38
Knit across

Row 59 COL
Convert sts 32-39.
Knit across

Row 60 COR
Convert sts 32-39
Cross 35 over 34
Cross 38 over 37
Knit across

Row 61 COL
Convert sts 32-39
Knit across

Row 62 COR
Convert sts 32-39
Ladder st columns 8 & 9, 12 & 13, 16 & 17, 20 & 21, 24 & 25, and
28 & 29 down to the previously twisted knit sts and latch them back up,
twisting the st to the left each time before pulling another ladder
through and also before putting them back on the needles.
Cross 34 over 33
Cross 37 over 36
Knit across

Row 63 COL
Convert sts 32-39
Knit across

Row 64 COR
Convert sts 32-39
Cross 32 over 33
Move 36 to 35
Cross 39 over 38
Knit across

Row 65 COL
Convert sts 32-39
Knit across

Row 66 COR
Convert sts 33-38
Cross 33 over 34
Cross 38 over 37
Knit across

Row 67 COL
Convert sts 33-38
Unknit sts 15 and 16 by pulling out the yarn as in frogging. Go under
the float that is hanging from those stitches and take st 15
off the needle with latch tool. Take it off tool again, twist it to the
left, then replace it on tool. Take st 16 off needle with latch tool
also and let both sts slide behind latch. Knit both sts off by pulling
float through them, then hang this single st on ndl 16. Lift up what is
left of the float and hang it on ndl 15. Yarn over created.
Convert sts 17, 18, and 19.
Knit across

Row 68 COR
Convert 34-37
Unknit sts 16 and 17 by pulling out the yarn as in frogging. Go under
the float that is hanging from those stitches and take st 16
off the needle with latch tool. Take it off tool again, twist it to the
left, then replace it on tool. Take st 17 off needle with latch tool,
twist it to the left also, replace it on tool and let both sts slide
behind latch. Knit both sts off by pulling float through them, then hang
this single st on ndl 17. Lift up what is left of the float to the right
of the stitch and hang it on ndl 16. Yarn over created.
Convert sts 18 and 19
Cross 34 over 35
Cross 37 over 36
Knit across

Row 69 COL
Convert 34-37
Unknit sts 17 and 18 by pulling out the yarn as in frogging. Go under
the float that is hanging from those stitches and take st 17
off the needle with latch tool. Take it off tool again, twist it to the
left, then replace it on tool. Take st 18 off needle with latch tool
also and let both sts slide behind latch. Knit both sts off by pulling
float through them, then hang this single st on ndl 18. Lift up what is
left of the float to the right of the new stitch and hang it on ndl 17.
Yarn over created.
Convert st 19
Knit across

Row 70 COR
Convert 35 & 36
Unknit sts 18 and 19 by pulling out the yarn as in frogging. Go under
the float that is hanging from those stitches and take st 18
off the needle with latch tool. Take it off tool again, twist it to the
left, then replace it on tool. Take st 19 off needle with latch tool,
twist it to the left also, replace it on tool and let both sts slide
behind latch. Knit both sts off by pulling float through them, then hang
this single st on ndl 19. Lift up what is left of the float to the right
of the stitch and hang it on ndl 18. Yarn over created.
Ladder down st column 20 to the last previously twisted st and latch it
back up, twisting the st to the left each time before pulling the next
ladder through and also before hanging it back on the ndl
Cross 35 over 36
Knit across

Row 71 COL
Convert 35 & 36
Unknit sts 19 and 20 by pulling out the yarn as in frogging. Go under
the float that is hanging from those stitches and take st 19
off the needle with latch tool. Take it off tool again, twist it to the
left, then replace it on tool. Take st 20 off needle with latch tool
also and let both sts slide behind latch. Knit both sts off by pulling
float through them, then hang this single st on ndl 20. Lift up what is
left of the float to the right of the new st and hang it on ndl 19. Yarn
over created.
Knit across

Row 72 COR
Convert sts 36, 19, and 20.
Put ndls 36-50 in holding position.
Knit across. Pull up slack of yarn that is coming from st 35 and lay it
on top of needle bed.

To Knit Bobble: (see also drawn diagram)


Take sts 38 and 37 off ndls on a knitting ndl or waste yarn. Leave st 36
in place. Also remove sts 35 and 34 from ndls and put on same knitting
ndl or waste yarn. Take st 36 off the ndl and twist it to the left.
Once the bobble is knitted, it will be twisted back to the right again so
that the knit side will show and the st will again be in the right
position. Hold twisted st in place between thumb and forefinger and put
latch hook through loop from behind and above twisted part of stitch and
pull the yarn that is coming from st 35 through st 36. Yarn is
moving from left to right. Hang loop on ndl 38. New st formed. Hang
yarn over ndl 37 as in a yarn over. 2d st formed. Pull new loop through
st 35 and hang on ndl 36. 3d st formed. Hang yarn over ndl 35 as in a
yarn over. 4th st formed. Pull another loop through st 36 and hang on
ndl 34. 5th st formed. Since there are so few sts and rows, it is
faster to knit them manually.
Row 2&3 Knit across all five sts.
Row 4 Move st 2 to ndl 1, then both sts back to ndl 2
Move st 5 to ndl 4. Knit.
Row 5 Move st 3 to ndl 2, then both to ndl 4, then all 3 to ndl 3.
Knit through remaining st. Bobble formed.

Take st off ndl, twist the knitted piece back to the right so that the
knit side of the bobble is now facing forward and put the st back on ndl
36. Yarn should be coming down from left side of the st. Replace sts
37, 38, 35, and 34 on their ndls. Remove carriage from left side of bed
and put it on right side of bed. Put ndls 1-36 to holding position.
Push ndls 37-50 to forward working position with latches open. Pull up
slack in yarn and knit across, holding bobble down with claw weight if
necessary to keep it out of the way.

Row 73 COL
Knit across

Row 74 COR
Convert st 36, then twist it to the left and hang it back on needle.
Knit across.

I know this is a very lengthy description but it sounds a lot more
complicated than it is. So far I have knitted four samples of this
castle and it is really pretty simple. Be sure and let me know if you
have any questions, ok?

On to Gingerbread Castle Charts and Symbols Explanations

Back to Gingerbread Castle on the Bond

Back to Heidi's Knitting Room

Page updated on 10-March-2000